“Waiting On” Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights eagerly anticipated upcoming releases.
This Week's Spotlight
Fourth Debt (Indebted #5) by Pepper Winters
August 11, 2015
“We’d won. We’d cut through the lies and treachery and promised an alliance that would free us both. But even as we won, we lost. We didn’t see what was coming. We didn’t know we had to plan a resurrection.”
Nila Weaver fell in love. She gifted her entire soul to a man she believed was worthy. And in the process, she destroyed herself. Three debts paid, the fourth only days away. The Debt Inheritance has almost claimed another victim.
Jethro Hawk fell in love. He let down his walls to a woman he believed was his cure. For a moment, he was free. But then he paid the ultimate price.
There is no more love. Only war. Hope is dead. Now, there is only death all around them.
Why I want to read it
I freely admit, when I started this series I was on the fence about the first book, as I had trouble finding the concept behind the story believable, yet it intrigued me enough to keep going in the series . It was not until book four that I was hooked (probably because some of the questions I was dying for answers were finally answered) and then Ms. Winters ends it on a cliffhanger; probably one of the most gut wrenching cliffhangers I have read in a long time. (At one point, I had wondered if I missed something or if my Kindle did not download the book correctly!). Nope, Ms. Winters left all her fans in a fit of tears and rage because we want to know what happens next. August 11th cannot come soon enough and I plan to be spending that evening finding out what happens next for Jethro and Nila. (I better let the husband know because with my luck he will plan something and it will be a tough choice between the two!!)
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