Thursday Quotables: Insider by Olivia Cunning

Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It features the place to highlight great quotes, lines, or passages discovery during your reading each week.

I received an ARC of Insider by Olivia Cunning and  while I am still reading it, I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from the book.

Insider (Exodus End #1) by Olivia Cunning 
Releases June 30th

What do you think? Did the quotes catch your attention and make you want to add this book to your TBR list?

Where there any quotes these week that made you laugh, gasp, or cry? Do share!


  1. How true about family and the term 'friend' ! Great quote! Thanks for sharing.

    Please check out my Thursday Quotable:

  2. Anonymous6/25/2015

    Oh, I like that very much! Especially the last bit, "when I call you friend, I don't want you to take it lightly". Very powerful.

  3. Nice, and I like this weekly idea. Quick and easy! The quote itself is true, often friends are more family than some family. :)

  4. Love this. I love my family but I also love my friends like family!

  5. Amazing quote! There are many cases where friends can be more a family to you than your actual relatives :)

    Aeriko @
