Thursday Quotables: Taming Lily by Monica Murphy

Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It features the place to highlight great quotes, lines, or passages discovery during your reading each week.

I literally just started this book and this quote was on the first page and it  was too good not to share.

Releases July 7th

What do you think? Did the quotes catch your attention and make you want to add this book to your TBR list?

Where there any quotes these week that made you laugh, gasp, or cry? Do share!


  1. Great quote! It doens't sound like the type of book I usually read, but maybe I'll give it a try :)

  2. I like it! Can this be read as a standalone, or do I have to read the other two first?

    Aeriko @

  3. Anonymous7/02/2015

    Ha, that's kind of funny! Not my kind of book, but it does seem pretty catchy. :)
