Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It features the place to highlight great quotes, lines, or passages discovery during your reading each week.
So I have been busy with my certification training class this week and have had very little opportunity to read this week (Trust me, I am starting to go through withdrawals!!!). However, I have had the chance to starting reading an ARC of Say My Name and while I am only 7% in, I am loving it so far. Attached is a quote J.Kenner has shared on her Facebook Page as will as links if you want to read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Say My Name.
Say My Name (Start International Trilogy #1) by J. Kenner
What do you think? Did the quote catch your attention and make you want to add this book to your TBR list?
Where there any quotes these week that made you laugh, gasp, or cry? Do share!
Nice! Now I'm imagining those eyes... Glad you're enjoying the book!